Holaysa’ya çýktým ettim ziyaret, Taþören Köyünde yaðýyor rahmet, Heyelan oldu da koptu kýyamet, Derelerin boldur güzel Çaykara.
Hafýzý Kur’andýr oðlaný kýzý, Hocalarýn boldur okur Kur’aný, Türkiyem’de dolu vaiz imamý, Türkiyem’e sahip bekçi Çaykara.
Fýndýðý çaylarý yetiþir bolca, Boldur fukarasý okurlar dua, En meþhur yemeði kara lahana, Þükreder Mevlaya hergün Çaykara.
Sahiptir vatana hainlik etmez, Cephede vuruþur yatakta ölmez, Can teninde iken topraðý vermez, Hüdasýna aþýktýr güzel Çaykara.
Beautiful Çaykara, who saw you, loved The human being like a hardworking bee, Everywhere is a forest and looks at the mountains Green Çaykara is beautiful in the forest.
I ate a lot of bread, I drank it, I passed over icy streams I did not pinch my perseverance in Left-Handed Creek, Çaykara, the inexhaustible rain is beautiful.
You lived pious pilgrims, The bacilli make corn bread, Sweet pains happened in the combs, There are many who remember green Çaykara.
I went to Holaysa and visited, Mercy is falling in Taþören Village, There was a landslide and the apocalypse broke out, Çaykara is beautiful with abundant streams.
Hafiz is the Kur boy’s daughter, Teachers read the Quran abundantly, ÝNTURKEY filled in the imam preachers, ÝNTURKEY with Çaykara guard.
Hazelnut teas grow in abundance, They pray to many people, The most famous food is kale, Þükreder Mevlaya Çaykara every day.
He has not treacherously to the country, He shoots at the front, doesn’t die in bed, When the soul is on its skin, it does not give the soil, Beautiful Çaykara is in love with her hüdas.
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